RELEASE DATE: 05/08/2022
A.Z.R.O. - Rock In A Hard Place
Track List:
A.Z.R.O.: Hard rock message boards on the internet have been asking for years “who is the band playing in the movie The Bikini Carwash Company II?” Many rockers took to the VHS and looked at the credits and came up with “A.Z.R.O.”, but nothing else on the internet could be found. Was this soundtrack going to be lost forever? Well, this gem has been uncovered and is FINALLY being released for the first time ever. 12 melodic hair metal tracks that will appeal to fans who like big choruses, stellar lead vocals, killer guitars and solid rhythm section. This band featured both drummer Todd Lane and bassist Steve Giles from the hair metal band “NEW HAVEN”. A.Z.R.O. also had one time member Adam Shore, who gained fame from being the first vocalist of WARRANT and the singer of SHAKE CITY.